
Security & Code Blog

Security and code discussion, with dissections of recent vulnerabilities discovered as part of vendor bug bounty programmes. Don't forget to participate with comments and feedback!

Google Sites: A Tale of Five Vulnerabilities


I'd like to use my last blog post of the year to sum up five vulnerabilities I found in Google Sites during the course of the year. Google Sites grew out of JotSpot, a site creation service bought by Google in 2006 and made free to use in 2008. A multi-tiered permission system and multitude of customisation options makes Sites an interesting target to investigate.

For these issues Google awarded a total of $13,034.80, making Sites the most rewarding Google property I've looked at so far. The first four vulnerabilities described here earned Google's celebrated $3133.7 bounty, the last $500.

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Showing posts from Monday, 30th December 2013.